Fall 2021
Shneiderman’s mantra in practice

After reading Shneiderman’s paper “The Eyes Have It” I sketched a mock-up for an interactive data visualization that implements some of the tasks explained in there on a system such as Vienna’s subway as shown below.

Vienna's Subway

1 - Overview: This visualization displays an average overview of the monthly data as well as a geographical/station. The filters are off at this stage.

2 - Zoom, filter, and details-on-demand: The visualization enables to identify for each station, and for a given day, what was its busiest hour. The visualization enables to compare rush hours for a certain set of stations at the same time by filtering time at different scales and by filtering lines.

3 - More Filtering and Relate: With clicking on station or by selecting an area with the mouse the user can get details on demand. Each station has a certain ridership for a certain period of time and can be compared to the ridership of other stations. This visualization indicates which stations have a similar ridership with the color code applied for the lines in the charts and for the circles on the map.